Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist

will be in session on

Thursday, August 29, 2024

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

at the Orange Townhouse

8 Townhouse Road

This is the last day for clerks/supervisors to accept

voter registration applications.

No additions or corrections shall be 

made to the checklist after this session,

until election day.

June 2024 Town Boards and Commission meetings

Select Board: Tuesday June 4 at 6pm and Tuesday June 18 at 6pm.

Supervisors of the Checklist: June 4 at 7pm

Parks & Recreation Commission: June 20 at 6:30pm.

Planning Board: meets 4th Tuesday of the month 6:30pm

Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist 

Will be in session 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

At the Orange Town House

8 Townhouse Road 

Additions and corrections to the 

Checklist may be made. RSA 654:32

This is the last day for voters already

registered to change or declare a party affiliation. 

only undeclared voters may declare 

a party on primary election day. RSA 654:34

Voters who register subsequent to this date may 

declare a party when they register.  RSA 654:15

2024 Orange Informational Directory is posted

The 2024 Orange Informational Directory has been mailed out.  You should receive it sometime this week.  If you do not receive a mailing, please let me know and I will get one to you.  Or you can stop by the Select Board office and pick one up. 

Please note the changes for the Road Agent (Glenn Miller) and the new phone number and email for the Town Clerk. 

The file is posted on the town website: 2024 Orange Informational Directory

Notice of ZBA Hearing

The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment

Public Hearing

March 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Orange Town House on 8 Town House Road.

Variance requested for 127 New Colony Road (Map 3 Lot 31)

Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist

will be in session

for correction of the checklist

Saturday, March 2, 2024

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Last day for supervisors to accept voter registration applications.

No additions or corrections shall be made to the

checklist after this session until March Town

Election Day, except as provided in RSA659:12.

Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist 

Will be in session

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

At the Orange Town House

8 Townhouse Road 

Individuals seeking to register to vote 

or make changes to their 

registration (name or address)

may do so with the supervisors 

at any time during the day.

The Supervisors will be in session at the polling place during 

the hours the polls are open to voting in the Presidential Primary. 

Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist 

Will be in Session

for correction of the checklist

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

6 PM - 6:30 PM

at the Orange Town House

No additions or corrections shall be made to the
checklist after this session until election day.

No change of party applications shall be accepted.

Presidential Primary Voting January 23, 2024

New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election


Celebrating the 104th Anniversary Year

of the

FIRST IN THE NATION Presidential Primary





The Presidential Primary Election will be held at:


Orange Town House

8 Town House Road

Tuesday January 23, 2024

From 11am to 7pm


Supervisors of the Checklist

The Supervisors of the Checklist 

Will be in Session

for correction of the checklist

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

6 PM - 6:30 PM

at the Orange Town House

No additions or corrections shall be made to the
checklist after this session until election day.

No change of party applications shall be accepted.


The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment

Public Hearing

Tuesday November 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Orange Town House on 8 Town House Road.


Variance requested for 438 Razor Hill Rd, Orange NH (Map 4 Lot 4)


Notice of Public Hearing Orange Planning Board Orange, New Hampshire

Pursuant to NH RSA 675:3, notice is hereby given that the Orange Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Orange Zoning Ordinance for 2024 ballot vote at the regular meeting of the Orange Planning Board on:

Tuesday, November 28 at 7:00PM at the Orange Town House 8 Town House Road, Orange, NH

Sat Sept 30: Hazardous Household Waste collection day at Canaan Transfer Station

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Day

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Canaan Transfer Station

$10 fee per household


Limit of 5 gallons or 20 pounds of waste per household

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

  • Household Hazardous Waste must be brought to the transfer station on the days advertised. Click here to view a chart of items that are considered Household Hazardous Waste. All items marked in red under the HHW Column are accepted. There are no fees.

  • No Commercial Waste – that means no hazardous waste that came from a business. This is federal law and violations would stop the program.

  • Residents will be eligible to bring in no more than 5 gallons (or 40 pounds) per collection day. If you have specific circumstances that require dropping off more than five gallons, please call the Town Administrator at 523-4501 ext. 5.

  • Keep the hazardous waste in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER if at all possible.

  • You will need to sign in that day. If you are a voter or have a residence in Canaan or Orange as shown on the tax cards, you will be eligible. If you are a renter, please bring some proof that you are renting and/or living in Canaan or Orange.

  • All hazardous waste will be properly disposed of or recycled.

Solar Eclipse Talk 4pm September 23

The eclipse itself—a “ring of fire” eclipse no less—is due Saturday, October 14. Three Saturdays before that, local Rick Fienberg, an astronomer, will give us the skinny in the Grafton Town Hall, along with a free pair of safe viewing glasses.

Supervisor of Checklist Session

The Supervisors of the Checklist

will be in session

for correction of the checklist

Friday October 6, 2023

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

at the Orange Town House

This is the last time registered voters 

may change their party affiliation 

prior to the Presidential Primary.